The Lifecycle of...Lifecylces


So ever since I read up on Sir John Glubb's "The Fate of Empires" I have been fascinated by the lifecycles of civilizations and the sociopolitical landscape of the world. If you haven't read it or at least read a synopsis of it yet, I greatly encourage you to do so. It is one of those books that will forever change your perception of history. But it got me thinking, what else can we deduct down to a structured stages in a lifecycle, well, I thought some up so here they are.

Lifecycle of Youth

Lifecycle of Civilizations

Lifecycle of Smartphone Owners

Lifecycle of Good Employees

Lifecycle of a Dieter

Lifecycle of New Gadgets

Please write in with your own ideas and perhaps we can come up with some more. Thanks for following Mosquito Cannon and for your patience in waiting on this last article.


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