Mosquito Cannon Shockingly Rebrands as Satire!

Due to high demand from no one in particular, Mosquiteshi Cannamoto (the mythical creator of Mosquito Cannon), sent out a Mosqweet declaring that Mosquito Cannon is, and always was, a satire site. This news stunned Mosquito Cannon administrators who quickly scrambled to figure out how to fabricate the request.

      "It was actually quite stunning that he would do it," said long-time dormant yet anonymous editor Original-Fire-1. "I had to call on my supervisor right away and put together a task force in minutes. We literally had less than a day to put this together."

    Cannamoto has been notoriously behind the scenes and silent for all these years while Mosquito Cannon floundered.

    "I mean, look at it," said Burt Wilders, analyst for AimlessSatireMarketWatch. "Mosquito Cannon was in the grave. Dead and gone! The last article was written about 5 years ago. There's no coming back from that! But maybe now it will be popular. Who knows."

    At press time, absolutely no one was shocked to see this development, neither were there any noteworthy comments.

As of 7/14/22, Mosquito Cannon is officially a satire site, but also could have been a satire site before, it's really unclear. Any likeness to actual persons or events is purely coincidental and covered under the federal copyright law.


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