Reconciling Religion and Science: With a Boston Cream Donut
It's soooo delicious.
Imagine if you will a world divided by two very staunch groups fighting over something very important. That important things happens to mean the whole world to the two sides and could mean war if they both were not deciding to hold back and either "turn the other cheek" or "embrace tolerance". They also only exists in a timespan of 15 minutes for the sake of our story and have that much time to resolve the conflict and find their goal. Lets imagine that thing over which is the conflict and goal is in fact the existence of the Boston Cream Donut.
One side says the Boston Cream Donut exists. The other does not. One says it obviously can be found in Boston. The other thinks that's a stupid claim. Just because the Boston Cream Donut seems like it comes from Boston doesn't mean you can find it there. The other side points out that its very likely to exist there, surely in one of many donut shops and grocery stores. Yet the other explores Boston and has so far seen an unmarked map of some of the city, a Subway, an intersection, and vague building outlines. So no Boston Cream Donut. The other says the city is so huge a glance at a map of the city and a quick view of a single intersection are no indication of the city contents. The likelihood of their being one in the city is mathematically assured considering the score of evidence everywhere else supporting the idea Boston Cream Donuts in fact dwell in Boston. Still the other side, using hard data, has seen zero sightings of the donut in the city. Any percentage divided by 0 means 0% chance the donut is there based off the evidence. Some Studyists do believe, however, that based on the evidence their is likely an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie and that is a sure bet even If they haven't seen it yet either. This seemingly arbitrary hypocrisy frustrates the Creamists even more as no one would take an Oatmeal Raisin Cookie over the amazing Boston Cream Donut anyway. On and on they go but to no avail.
You can taste the disappointment.
After a certain point the Boston Creamists don't trust anything the Pastry Studyists say, accusing them all of misdeeds while the Studyists so look down on the Creamists they shun them at every turn. It looks bleak but there is an answer to the dilemma. But both parties have to realize they both want the same thing; the delicious Boston Cream Donut. And they can help each other learn more about finding it.
In this analogy the Creamists have instructions from the baker on how to acquire the donut, a baker saying they are from Boston. The great news is the Pastry Studyists explore Boston all the time. It just makes sense that the more they study the more they can help the Creamists understand the whole nature of the Boston Cream Donut. They also can help give context to the instructions. On the flip side, the Studyists could never study every corner of Boston in the time frame they have. The great news is the Creamists have the instructions!
By themselves the Creamists will find the Boston Cream Donut, at least they have absolute faith they will; and why not? Its not like they have a chance without it and nothing is more worth pursuing than the Boston Cream Donut. On the other hand, the Pastry Studyists are constantly observing and exploring Boston. Their data explains the instructions as well as the Boston Cream Donut itself. If only they worked together and realized that Creamists can also be Studyists...but reality they will keep each other separated and fight over who gets to teach their kids and gets to be on TV and whatnot.
The quest of both; you can't resist either.
In the meantime the baker is waiting to let someone try AND fully appreciate the delicious Boston Cream Donut. I know it sounds to good to be true after a lifetime of disappointing pastries, but when it comes to our world of Donuts i will quote one of my favorite movie caricatures; "one could spend his entire life looking for the perfect one and it would not be a wasted life". So go find that donut and help each other do it.
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